Women who loved pearls
Posted by Amoro on 9/28/2011 to
“When will you be home?” Around 6, I’m off to see June Cleaver- wife of Ward and mother to Wally and Theodore (affectionately known as The Beaver). The quinessential 1950′s sitcom mom. “Maybe some of her perfection will rub off on you” Very funny dear.
Compare the Amoro Value – Semi-mountings
Posted by Amoro on 9/24/2011 to
At Amoro, we work only with world-class gemstone suppliers and craftsmen who can ensure that each component and process used in building your Amoro creation is of the highest possible standard for the price.
That’s why we urge you to compare the value of our mountings to those of leading jewelers.
Lesson Fifteen: The Cabochon Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/23/2011 to
Such a windy day. The leaves were falling off the trees at rapid speed. ‘We’ll never get them raked’ With that she tossed her beret up in the air and it puffed with air and landed precisely on her head. “How very cabochon of your hat”, he said. Quite a good observation, she teased as she adjusted the hat, Let’s not rake anymore. It’s a loosing battle. Let’s run away’ “Where to?” ‘Anywhere! The sun is out and the leaves will still be here’ He knew she was right and it was too nice a day. They went downtown and window shopped. Their noses pressed against the windows. ‘I love that ring’ “But it’s getting cold and pretty soon you won’t be able to see it under your gloves” She thought for a moment and said: ‘But I don’t always wear my gloves’ The next week when she went to put on her gloves she couldn’t get her fingers inside. There was something there. ‘When did you get this?’ He said: ‘I did a little online shopping while you were sleeping. It was a tough choice.”
Compare the Amoro Value – Wedding Bands
Posted by Amoro on 9/23/2011 to
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder. But value is on their mind.
Compare the value of Amoro wedding bands to those of leading designer jewelers. Your peace of mind and appreciation of high value is always in mind.
Lesson Fourteen: The Marquise Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/22/2011 to
It had been a very busy morning at Versailles. Marie was getting fitted for her newest confection of a dress, her girlfriends were gossiping in between bites of macaroons and chocolates. ‘Oh Marie you have chocolate on your lips’ I dare not get that on this dress. That would be a catastrophe. ‘Of the highest magnitude’ They all started giggling.
Compare the Amoro Value – Solitaire Rings
Posted by Amoro on 9/22/2011 to
Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder. But value is on their mind.
At Amoro, we strive to assure you have received the most value for your often considerable investment.
Compare the value of Amoro solitaire rings to those of leading jewelers.
Lesson Thirteen: The Octagon Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/21/2011 to
She loved octagons: Ever since I was a little girls I loved them. “But most girls love hearts” Well I love octagons. I think we should have an octagon honeymoon. We’ll visit the world’s most beautiful octagon shaped buildings. Like the Baptistry in Italy! We’ll fling the ‘Gates of Paradise’ open and marvel. “And then…” We’ll climb to the top of Giotto’s Campanille and look out over Florence + take zillions of photos. “And then. . ” We’ll sit in a piazza and hold hands. “And. . ” Just smile (sipping wine + nibbling on biscotti) and remembering our octagon moment. Forever.
Compare the Amoro Value – Eternity Bands
Posted by Amoro on 9/21/2011 to
The purchase of fine jewelry is both an emotional and a material investment. In fact, these two aspects intersect in important ways, especially when the purchase is to be a gift to celebrate enduring love or a milestone achieved.
Lesson Twelve: The Cushion Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/20/2011 to
Their hotel room was gorgeous and very grand. “Look a separate living room!” They ran in + jumped on the couch and sank into the plush cushions. “I could live here” ‘Let’s never go home’ he said. They both stretched out on the couch + in a wink fell asleep. (Please do not disturb!)
Lesson Eleven: The Briolette Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/19/2011 to
On a whirlwind tour of the south of France she said: ‘It’s Tuesday, we must go to the flea market in Provence’ With that they hopped in their car, getting lost many times (does he ever stop + ask for directions?) and finally they arrived in Provence met by another dilemma: “Great, where do we park!” ‘Don’t worry she said and magically a parking spot appeared. They bought some pears, cheese, bread, wine, lavender + old postcards to remind them of their adventure to Provence.
Lesson Ten: The Square Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/18/2011 to
Some call her square. She still calls her father- Daddy. Loves her teddy bear and wears pajamas to bed. She always takes her vitamins, says Thank you and please and says what’s on her mind. But me? I think she’s unique with 57 different facets and each one of them charming.
Lesson Nine: The Oval Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/17/2011 to
The perfect oval face. Her features are SO symmetrical. “Honey, are you talking about me?” Oh, of course. You are flawless. An oval diamond among women. A Princess. Let me hold your dainty hand. “I could swear you were talking about someone else”
Lesson Eight: The Emerald Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/16/2011 to
A true classic beauty with a secret crush (on a pair of emerald cut diamond earrings). She said: “I hope you’re listening.” Men always seem so distracted but she smiled + started humming… “all that glitters is gold”
Lesson Seven: The Radiant Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/15/2011 to
When you walk in the room: you radiate. Your best friend asks: “Have you just run a marathon?” There is an extra spring in your step + you’re not wearing sneakers (Heavens no-you hate sneakers) It’s all very simple: You’re radiant. . because you’re in love!
Lesson Six: The Round Brilliant Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/14/2011 to
I’m getting hungry. “And diamonds are making you hungry?” I’m mesmerized, dizzy + overwhelmed + pizza would be nice. “Just so happens there’s a pizzeria right around the corner.” I’ll have a facet of pizza, please. “I’ll have a facet of pizza, no anchovies. . I mean a slice of pizza” You must be mesmerized, too.
The Case of the Missing Earring
Posted by Amoro on 9/14/2011 to
How did she misplace all her little treasures? She had twenty earrings but none of them were still a pair. . . For you + all the other ladies who are constantly misplacing jewelry (we suggest you look under the pillow + in the more obvious places in lieu of hiring a detective) We don’t want you to have to make the supreme choice of jewelry or make-up. Never! Both are essentials.
Roman Holiday(s)
Posted by Amoro on 9/13/2011 to
Mix the aristo-chic charm of Audrey Hepburn (who just happens to be a runaway princess), a vespa, Rome AND Gregory Peck and you have: One of the most romantic films of all time.
Start walking boots. . .
Posted by Amoro on 9/13/2011 to
I wonder if it would look silly if I wore boots to the beach with a diamond encrusted palm tree. . . it’s only 90 degrees.
(Are you ready boots? Start walking!)
Lesson One: The Baguette
Posted by Amoro on 9/12/2011 to
You’re never too young to learn the basics of jewelry.
Lesson One The Baguette:
It’s rectangular shape is reminiscent of a crunchy loaf of french bread. Note the tasty resemblance. Whenever I nibble on a baguette I tend to start thinking about jewelry Coincidence? I think not.
Lesson Two: The Princess Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/12/2011 to
Lesson Two: The Princess Cut
“All little girls are Princesses, didn’t your daddy ever tell you that?” and so it is fitting that all girls should get a Princess cut at one time or another. Made popular in the swinging 60’s it is a mod + yet very modern cut.
Lesson Three: The Pear Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/12/2011 to
You’re never too young to learn the basics of jewelry
Lesson Three: The Pear Cut
Combining the best of the oval + the marquise cut. Exquisite for dangling earrings and pendants. I’ve named my little sparkler: ‘Mr Bartlett’
‘Honey, could you bring me Mr Bartlett, he’s getting a bit lonely’
Lesson Four: The Heart Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/12/2011 to
“Cup” … Cake ”Bunny” … Rabbit ”Bumble” … Bee ”Teddy” … Bear You finish each other’s words. Your love is bigger than the universe. He vows to love you more than the moon + stars. You promise to give him in return jupiter + mars. “He gives you his heart”. The ultimate symbol of love + romance.
Lesson Five: The Trilliant Cut
Posted by Amoro on 9/12/2011 to
You’re never too young to learn the basics of jewelry
Lesson Five: The Trilliant Cut
Wishfully you said: I’d love to see the sunrise in St. Tropez + he said: “Let’s go!” Now? “You want to be there by sunrise” Not for the faint of heart. The brilliant Trilliant cut is for the adventurer + the adventurers they are in love with.
The Versatility of diamonds
Posted by Amoro on 9/12/2011 to
I’ve come to the conclusion diamonds can be worn anywhere + go with everything!
September Sapphire Tales
Posted by Amoro on 9/7/2011 to
I can see Venice twinkling in the distance. “We’ll be there in the morning” If you listen really carefully you can hear music. Listen. . ”Nothing like an Italian love song. Everything sounds so much more romantic in Italian” Can you believe it’s September already? Where did the summer go? “It went out to sea with us on our way to Venice” It’s making September very special. I’m going to make a wish. I’ve never made a wish off the coast of Venice. “What are you wishing for?” I can’t tell you. . yet.